I haven’t been giving myself much time to blog these days and it has almost been a month since my last post. To be honest, I have been in funk. The season change from Fall to Winter gets me every year. It is dark when I leave for work and it is dark when I get home from work. Usually when I sit in front of the computer to write a blog it comes out easily, but the last few times I ended up just staring at a blank Word document with the flashing cursor blinking at me. Feeling uninspired even though my son gives me plenty to be inspired about each and every day. I have just felt.. Meh.. but all that has changed after this past weekend..
First before I get to what has inspired me to get back to my blog….I want to rewind back to Thanksgiving. The past few years we have been trying to find a happy medium for the Holidays by trying to figure out the best way to celebrate with both of our families. Sara and I are both very fortunate that both our families live within less than 20 minutes. The past few years for Thanksgiving we have either split the day between the two different families, celebrated at one families house on Turkey day and then the other families the next day, and we have also given hosting a try by having both families come to our house and enjoy having everyone together. Sadly none of these three things have worked out so well and have been very stressful on the both of us. This year we went with a different approach all together, we hosted just dessert.
Thanksgiving Dinner |
We cooked a meal for just the three of us which consisted of a Smoked Cajun Maple glazed turkey breast, sautéed green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, roasted squash with apples and cranberries, and croissants. If you mouth isn’t watering yet…here is a picture to get those salivary glands a pumping. After we enjoyed our meal, we had time to relax before both our families showed up with many different desserts to share. Sara’s dad made homemade apple pie, my mom made chocolate cake with cherries and whipped cream on top, my sister made pumpkin cheesecake bars, my sister-in-law made chocolate cherry cake with chocolate icing, and we supplied a pumpkin pie and my homemade oatmeal cookies. It was a wonderful dessert table to say the least. Sara and I took turns with entertaining Jackson. He was super excited to see his cousins Owen and Andrew. Jackson also loves to see his GG, my grandma. Our house isn’t that big, but we managed to get everyone in and hopefully comfortable. My brother Alex was not able to attend because he works for Wal-Mart and had to prepare for Black Friday. Jackson had a tendency of getting too close to Owen from time to time and he had a few hair pulling incidents. Other than that we had a wonderful evening and for the amount of people in our house Jackson did very well. It was a wonderful day all around.
Jackson's new recliner |
We did some black Friday shopping at some furniture stores. Sara finally broke down and said I could have a recliner. Oddly Jackson does well in all stores accept furniture stores. I haven’t figured out if that is due to the lighting, the annoying sales people, or the fact that these stores are not stroller friendly. I am sure he picks up on my anxiety in these stores as well. After a few stops, we opted to wait until we could discuss what we truly wanted and we were home by lunch time. Jackson fought taking a nap and got into his restless period. So Sara called her mom to see if she would watch him for a little bit while we gave a few more furniture stores a try. All I wanted in my recliner was brown, easy spill maintenance (fake leather or microfiber), rocking, and soft hug-me comfort. Sara wanted a chaise rocker. We went to Ashley first, then Weekends Only. I really hate going into Weekends Only, those sales people are like evil vultures. Last time we were their this guy stalked us, we told him we were just looking, and when we were ready to buy something he wasn’t any where in sight so we found someone who was available and not creepy. This creepy guy’s sonar went off from across the showroom floor as the sales woman was filling out our paperwork he came from out of nowhere and started yelling at her about stealing his customer right in front of us. We made mention of how inappropriate and unprofessional he was from the beginning as we were filling out paper work. He continued to get irate in front of his manager. So I get super nervous every time I go in that store. Luckily this time it was crowded and the customer to sales associate ratio was 5 customers to 1 sales person. The selection of recliners was 4 times that of Ashley. Then there it was… a brown, microfiber, hugging, rocking, chaise recliner. It was love at first sit. Sara gave it a try, it was heavenly. It took awhile, but we were able to find a sales associate and it was meant to be, only one left in the warehouse besides the floor model. A quick call to Sara’s dad to see if we could borrow the truck and it was purchased, picked up, and hauled up the stairs in our home. I was so proud of Sara for helping me get it nestled into it’s spot. Not only do I love the chair, but Jackson loves it too. He watches his Mickey Mouse Club House while rocking back in forth for 30 minutes or more. It has been a wonderful addition to the family. The rest of the weekend we were all so exhausted. Jackson is finally over the day light savings hump and sleeping his normal schedule. We even got a family nap in on Sunday.
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Jackson enjoying the stage |
This past week has been full of events. Tuesday night we went to have milk and cookies with Santa hosted by TouchPoint. We went last year shortly following Jackson’s diagnosis of PDD-NOS. The event has face painting, a comic magician, a balloon animal/character artist, Christmas carolers, plenty of milk and cookies, and Santa. Last year we had melt down issues when waiting in line for Santa, but we managed to get Jackson on his lap. This year we knew it would be difficult. We brought the portable DVD player loaded with Mickey Mouse Club House and plenty of Jackson’s favorite treats. We were early this year hoping to get a good jump in line, only this year as we got in line they changed it and decided to call the children up by table. So we went from 4th in line, to back at our table waiting patiently. The line kept getting longer and they stopped calling tables at some point. There was little boy at our table that was having some major sensory issues and his mom was doing such an amazing job calming him. We asked him if he wanted to share the Mickey Mouse Club House movie, but he wasn’t very interested in that. He was much older than Jackson, so maybe not his cup of tea. His mom sat with him like we did with Jackson as his dad took his sisters to the line. I thought I would take Jackson over to the open area and let him run, but he was obsessed with the stage that was set up that had pre-decorated theme Christmas trees for the Autism fundraiser which was the next day. I let him go up and down the stairs, but feared him bolting to one the trees and knocking it over. A volunteer came over to say hi to us. She was in love with Jackson. Come to find out she works in the play room at TouchPoint and started working a few weeks after we went through the parent training program. Jackson was pulling my hair a lot while we were talking. The volunteer leaned in too close to Jackson and he swiped off her glasses. As I was saying sorry she said not to worry she was used to that. It is nice to be able to go out in public and not have to worry about explaining that your son has some impulsive behaviors. Sara came over to us and we took him to mingle with some of the other kids. He wasn’t interested in them, but the DVD player was working well. We went back to the table and I left for a few moments to go get some more cookies. When I came back, Jackson was pulling Sara’s hair and a volunteer was helping her. Jackson did not like that I walked away from the table. The volunteer was able help free Sara’s hair from his hands. As Sara was thanking the volunteer Sara said, “I don’t think we are going to be able to make it to see Santa.” With that the volunteer walked away and returned with a gift for Jackson. I almost cried. He got a Teddy Bear that when you squeeze the hand the cheeks and belly light up. He loved it and started giving it kisses right way. He was getting really tired, so we left the event shortly after. Hair pulling aside, Jackson was all smiles and seemed to really enjoy the event, we did too.
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