Thank you so much for everything you gave me over the years.
I am the luckiest human because I had you. You will always be my princess and
moo-moo mutt. You left paw prints all over my heart and soul. I loved holding you like a baby even on your
last day here with me, something I will cherish until I hold you again. I am so thankful I was able to hold and cry
with you in those last moments before saying goodbye. I can’t stop crying and thinking
about you, I miss you so much already.
I will never forget the first day I met you when I came home
from a long day at work. You were the
happiest puppy and you were instantly mine from the moment I met you. I may not have brought you home, but it was
fate that brought us together and allowed me to be your mom. You gave me the greatest joy in the 17 years
you were here with me on earth. What a great run we had. I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter, best
friend, and life companion. You were so
smart, funny, loving, athletic, and were always there for me when I needed you
the most. I don’t know why you chose me, but my only hope is I was there for
you as much as you were there for me.
When you were a puppy and I took you to meet your Uncle
Donny, Aunt Tricia, and Cousin Andrew you were so excited. Andrew was maybe 1 year old at the time when
he came running at you full speed and jumped on top of you like a pro-wrestler,
you didn’t growl or bite him. I was so
proud of you for that, I know it hurt.
You were so incredibly amazing with children.
I know we moved a lot in the early years, but you always handled
it so well. When I brought home your baby brother Tyler Bob, you welcomed him
with open arms even though he is a typical Chihuahua. He barks a lot, pulled on
your ears, used the floor as his personal bathroom, well… you know the rest. You
were the best role model for him even though he didn’t retain anything you
taught him. Thank you for being so
patient with him, you were the best big sister.
He is really having a hard time when I leave the room since you are not
there to cuddle with him. He is really
going to miss you. I don’t know if Jackson will understand that you are not
coming home from the doggie hotel, but I know you made such an impact on his
You made me laugh a lot over the years. I loved how you
would have whisper conversations with me. Funny moments that still make me laugh
like the time you caught a squirrel through the fence and his tail popped off,
or that the time you brought mamma a squirrel when I wasn’t home. She didn’t
laugh like I did, but it was funny.
You loved to look out the window and watch over the house, you were so protective of those you loved. When mama got pregnant I remember you freaking out when the dishwasher or dryer ran. You loved it so much when people came to visit that your whole butt would wag not just your tail. I loved seeing that smile on your face when you greeted me at the door when I came home from wherever I had been.
Because of you I became a dog person, or maybe I am just a
Mookie person because as long as Tyler is still around the jury is out on that
topic. You filled my life with so much
love and happiness. I love you more than
words can say. I have so many more
wonderful memories of you and I am so lucky they will be with me forever. For
these reasons I am leaving this letter open as I continue to think of you…
Love always,