July 2013 - We celebrated 4th of July at my parents’ house, it is a tradition to watch Poppy blow up stuff. Sara worked a BBQ cook-off fundraiser at the beginning of the day, while Jackson and I spent the day in my parents’ pool. Usually the head index in the STL is 115 this time of year, but this summer has been so mild with temps dropping down to the upper 60’s overnight. So I will say the pool wasn’t it normal 84 degrees…but it wasn’t too cold to enjoy it which was a good thing because Jackson was not getting out especially when his cousins came splashing in. Since Fireworks a family favorite, it was easy to get the boys out of the pool and start drying off with the thought of being able to blow stuff up. Jackson has never really watched or shot fireworks yet, but my nephews and sister had bought kid friendly ones. Jackson loved them; Sara however did not like the larger fireworks that my dad was testing. The issue that developed as time went on was when Jackson liked running towards his older nephew who lighting firecrackers. It was exciting to watch Jackson’s face light up, but it was difficult to keep far enough away for safety concerns so Sara and Jackson went home before the big display. I however stayed and watched the big display. It has been a few years since I have been able to, but since we had two cars this year, it was nice to be able to watch because it did not disappoint.

I only worked 1 weekend; however I was sick as dog. I blame the public pool for getting sick and I got the bronchitis….aint nobody got time for that. I had to miss a softball game; those who know me well know I was really feeling really awful to miss a game. Jackson came down with some sort of stomach bug and had a seizure. He came out of the seizure without emergency medicine, which was the first time he has ever done that. Jackson was running a fever, so we gave him some IBProphen which got the fever to come down and we gave him an anti-seizure pill, so scary. We emailed EBK and called our STL neurologist. EBK responds within 10 minutes, STL neurologist took two days to call back. Jackson seemed to bounce back from this event, he didn’t have any more seizures, and we took him in to get his levels checked.
August 2013 – The softball season wrapped up and we placed 2nd in the softball league. Other exciting news we got to have dinner with some amazing FX families, Cindy Roger’s, Mouse Scharfenaker, and Tracy Stackhouse. These amazing 3 ladies traveled to STL for a FX workshop which we also attended. I can listen to them a million times and learn so much every time. After dinner we met up with our Kansas City FX moms for drinks because we can’t brag about our amazing kids enough and adult libations are fun. It was fun going to the workshop tired and slightly hung over. I worked the following weekend, ugh is this project done yet?!?
The St. Louis Sports Hall of Fame inducted Sara’s grandpa and we were able to attend the luncheon. It was awesome to hear stories from the other dugout legends who were also inducted into the St. Louis Sports Hall of Fame at the same time. Jackson is doing really well in school, but they are concerned because he will stop bouncing for a few seconds and become non-responsive for a few moments, then he is back to himself, but seems tired. Sara picked him up one day when one of these episodes occurred, but he was completely fine when they were home. A week later he seemed really tired, he took a nap after school and after dinner he wanted to take a nap again. Shortly after dozing off he had a seizure. We had to administer the emergency medicine to get him out of this one. We again got in touch with both his docs, same thing EBK responds right away and the STL doctor takes a day or two. Two options we had were increase his dosage or switch medicine since Jackson has been on this type for over a year. After much consideration we went with increase in dosage first. The first week make Jackson very sleepy in the morning and not his normal self at school, so we scaled back only added the increased dosage before bed. Since then he hasn’t had any more seizures that we know about, the school reported another gazed episode in September since the increased dosage. We have not seen these episodes, so we aren’t sure what is going on, but are monitoring it for sure.

September 2013 – I like this pattern of only working 1 weekend. This was a busy weekend month…I am happy to report that I was able to complete my stair project and get the French drain put in. Of course our mild summer weather was completely gone and I swear it was the hottest weekend for me to complete this outdoor project, however it was the cheapest weekend to purchase all the mulch and drainage rock I needed. September is another big birthday month…my little brother, my dad, my nephew, and Sara’s mom all have birthday’s to celebrate.

My nephew celebrated his 9th birthday Minion style and sister-in-law hosted a party for him; Jackson is so excited to spend time with his cousins. It was also Sara’s best friend’s wedding month to which she was the maid of honor.

October 2013 – We attended a FX Symposium and Jackson’s teacher and aides attended with us. It is a so great that his team wants to learn more about Fragile X.
My dad and I traveled together to Bridgeport, CT to attend a memorial service for my cousin Carolyn. We don’t get to see my dad’s side of the family very often. It was really great to catch up with my aunts, uncle, and cousins although the circumstance was difficult. My cousin Carolyn was a kindred soul who touched so many peoples lives with her beautiful smile, amazing art work, and giving personality. The service was wonderful and Carolyn is much missed. I really enjoyed getting to spend time with my dad, something we don’t get to do 1 on 1 often enough. It wouldn’t be a true Hamilton trip without a funny event. I rented the car and was the driver for the weekend. The first night we needed to go pick up my aunt Carol. Her flight was delayed and for a long while we thought we might be waiting at the wrong airport…but she finally came through the gates to which she announced a drink was in order. We were about 40 minutes from our hotel, but I had noticed our hotel was near two liquor stores less than a block away each direction. Unfortunately they were both closed when we arrived, but I saw a bar sign that was lit up, so we went with that. Walking into the bar they had very loud thumpa-thumpa music playing, so I turned to the bar tender to ask if that was OK if we took our drinks outside because the music was so loud when I noticed on the TV behind was a nude man rolling around on the beach. I then quickly turned back to my family with an embarrassed look on my face to see they had noticed the same thing as their eyes got wider. I quickly asked them if they wanted to go outside to have drinks and they all politely said yes. I could tell everyone tried to keep from busting out laughing at my mortified look when I asked them if they still wanted to have a drink. My family is very excepting of my lifestyle….and I am so lucky to have that, but leave it to me to take my family to a gay bar with nude dudes on TV. Aside from that October is special in our house because we have Halloween and Sara’s birthday on the same day.

I have a few more exciting posts about November to write.. so stay tuned
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